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Friday, 28 November 2014

Planning to use CRM? Get sales management right

11/28/2014 11:26:00 am

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There is no doubt that CRM tool will be making considerable difference to the business operations. Although it is very useful but at the end of day, it is just a software/tool and do not comprises of the capabilities of a magic wand. Hence, it is essential for making sure that you witness the presence of watertight processes in place before CRM is being unveiled into the day to day operations of the company. When this is being done, it becomes possible for your CRM tool to attain a great chance of successfully working with you instead of being just the other way round.

In the recent past, I have witnessed few implementations where clear and well thought through processes were not being agreed by the management before the launch either due to the fact that they have not been considered or with the misguided view point that it will function perfectly. It has been noticed that generally in these kinds of cases is that the original problems which the unveiling was likely to take care of but ends up creating further hassles for the company. This is one of the possible problems of dealing with a system/tool that failed to attain the desired goals of a business house.

Recently, a colleague from the networking space informed about his company CRM usage which initiated last year. After spending around six figure sum on the project, the CRM has been rolled out without applying proper account ownership rules. In other words, it meant that where a customer firm had varied offices, the domestic sales staffer could get in touch with them and also claim their office as theirs own, irrespective of whether they were present customer or not.

I believe things has always been this way but despite all this, one can understand the confusion happening due to the absence of control. This reminds me of one such incident when an existing customer from the London Head office complained that he was not informed about the change on account rep when their Newcastle office was contacted. This situation could have been avoided with the help of correct sales management intervention and proper planning.

Some of the below mentioned situations can be avoided when an efficient CRM is being used –

- Sales team can get frustrated if incorrect data is being fed.

- Creation of duplicate company records.

- Staff not knowing who is taking care of  the account and passing on incorrect details to customers.

All the above mentioned incidents could have been avoided if an effective CRM have been used for managing day to day operations which sales people carry out.

No company should just focus on the unveiling of a new CRM because it is essential to ensure that it works just the way we want it to be. A non-efficient CRM could negatively impact the anticipated return to the investment made.


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